October 30, 2013

Hand Painted Coasters

I saw these amazing Spanish porcelain tiles at the Habitat ReStore in Madison and knew right away that I wanted to create coasters with them. I have not played with these before and the process involved a lot of learning. And for once, youtube was not really helpful. But in the end, the coasters are turning out beautiful. These are the ones I have completely finished so far. A second batch is waiting to be sanded and coated with another layer of resin and a third batch is waiting to be painted. A total of 88 tiles for 22 sets. Pricing and ordering information on these limited edition coasters can be found here. Perfect for the holidays, wouldn't you say?


October 27, 2013

Going Pro

I am doing a little fund raiser on IndieGoGo to take my art to the next level: Next summer, I want to hit the professional art festivals in the mid-west including Madison's Art Fair on the Square. I need your help and support for getting there. Please check out my campaign by clicking the link below, contribute whatever you can and help me spread the word about my works. And I have some wonderful perks for you along the way. In case you are new to my works, please check out my facebook page and my website