January 23, 2010

Gozinaki from the Republic of Georgia

Our friend Emilie had a Georgian themed dinner tonight, and for my part, I made dessert. Gozinaki (Gozinaqi), is a simple walnut based sweet, much like the peanut burfi from India. Traditional recipes include only walnuts and honey!
I adapted this basic recipe and added more ingredients for a slightly more complex taste. Basically toast the walnuts, hull them (which was a lengthier process than I thought it was), coarsely chop them. I used a little bit of jaggery, that I boiled with a spoonful of water, and ginger honey. When the mixture is frothy, add the walnuts and cook for a few minutes stirring continuously. Pour on parchment paper over a dish, let cool and slice. As they cooled, I topped them with a toasted coconut spread and sprinkled lemon-ginger dark chocolate. One of the guests took a bite and went "Wow" :)

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