December 5, 2011

Green Sands Beach @ Hawaii

The follow-up to my post on the South Point. We have been reading about the Green Sands beach and were intrigued. Only draw back -- not allowed to drive there with a rental car. Even if it was a 4-wheel drive. So from the South Point, we drive to the parking lot for the Green Sands and were debating if we could just hike to where we can at least see the beach, as the guide book we were looking at said we have to jump down 4-feet rocks to make it to the actual beach. Guess what! The guide book was wrong and missed some important stuff. Like how there are locals who do shuttle people back and forth from the parking lot in 4-wheel pick up trucks. $20 for a couple. We paid $15 and it was worth every penny. And there is a path to get down to the enclosed beach. We even saw a few turtles there. If you find yourself in the neighborhood, don't bother with the hike. And more importantly dont try to drive there yourself and get stuck! We shared our ride with about 7 others and it was fun :)

From the view point!

Green Sands from Olivine crystals, a by-product of volcanic activity.

Surrounding cliffs, not olivine.

The paths to the beach. Definitely a bumpy ride!

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