November 21, 2010

Tropical Fruit Bake

Couple of weeks back I found a ripened papaya, 3 mangoes and a few bananas to be used asap in my kitchen. The mangoes & papaya flew all the way from Florida with Shankar. We hardly get these yummy tropical treats in our part of the country and at this time of the year, they are also at the end of their growing season. Hence I have found that the best way to give a boost to their flavors is by baking these fruits. Here is my simple Caribbean-ish recipe. 

Slice / chop all the fruits and mix in a big bowl with 2 tbsps of sugar, 2 pinches of nutmeg, a pinch of cinnamon and a pinch of cardamom. Also add a couple of pinches of salt and for this bake, I also added a dash of ground pepper. Then came  a few teaspoons of Palm sugar (Karupatti) ground with a few almonds. Then went in 1/2 tsp of grated ginger and 3-4 tbsp of ginger liqueur (Canton). Finally I sprinkled a handful of grated coconut, transferred the salad to a baking dish and baked in a 350F oven for about 20 minutes. I like mine served with yogurt and some granola for added crunchiness. Yummy!

I am sending this recipe to  Monthly Mingle, hosted by Deeba of Passionate about Baking.


  1. Thank you for baking this beautiful troical-ish dish for the Mingle Bala. I ♥ the ingredients you added. They take the bake to a new level altogether. Must have been delicious!

  2. It's nice to be reminded of simple recipes with great ingredients.

  3. @ Deeba - thanks for the opportunity to participate. The bake was delish :)
    @ Priya, Nachiketa & Sally - Thanks!!


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